翻译 The quarrel originated in rivalry between the two families(引起了两家的不和).
同义替换 competition n. 竞争 contest n.竞赛,比赛
interfere [??nt??f??(r)] v. 干涉;干预;打扰;妨碍
拆分 inter(在……之间)+ fer(带来)+ e→来到中间→干涉
例句 A new generation of GPS cell phones with tracking software make it easier than ever to follow a child’s every movement via the Internet — without seeming to interfere or hover. 新一代带追踪软件的GPS手机使得通过网络掌握孩子的行踪比任何时候都容易——但看上去又不会像是打扰或监视。